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Blessing of the Gods - Hometown

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Blessing of the Gods - Hometown
  • Published Wednesday, February 2, 2022 4:28 PM
  • Last modified Tuesday, July 26, 2022 3:00 PM

Blessing of the Gods - Home Town



High Priest Largal is quest giver in Laksy.

You have to solve quests that are given in Laksy, Katan and Horizon. The main quest [TP] Blessing of the Gods - Hometown is still given to you by the priest apprentice Immaculatus. However, the game continues in the cities. Here we show which quests are available and what the rewards are for solving them.

Which quest is missing is shown by the respective NPC, but not in the quest window, but directly in his dialog box. Unfortunately, only the target quests are listed, the preliminary quests have to be done anyway.

Blessing of the Gods - Laksy #1

After solving the following quests you have completed Laksy #1.

| NPC | Level | Quest in english | | --- | --- | --- | | Hohepriester Largal | 14 | Go for orcs. | | Lagerhallenhüter Wayne | 16 | Personal War #1 | | Lagerhallenhüter Wayne | 16 | Personal War #2 | | Berater Prometh | 11 | Calm Start | | Berater Prometh | 13 | Sagittarius | | Berater Prometh | 17 | Official Request | | Berater Prometh | 23 | Funny Mask | | Waffenhändlerin Lariel | 16 | Road Construction | | Waffenhändlerin Lariel | 19 | Stump Logging Area Backup | | Holzfäller Rabe | 24 | Lost Stump Logging Area | | Holzfäller Rabe | 25 | Retake Stump Logging Area | | Stallmeisterin Remire | 29 | Orc Hunting | | Stallmeisterin Remire | 32 | New Journey | | Gildenoffizier Ces | 26 | Summon Magician |

Blessing of the Gods - Laksy #2

After solving the following quests you have completed Laksy #2 and there is a small bonus to the following stats: +2 Vit/Agi/Wis. You will receive this from the High Priest Largal.

| NPC | Level | Quest | | --- | --- | --- | | Gildenoffizier Ces | 26 | Summon Magician | | Lagerhallenhüterin Hanna | 28 | Questionable Test #1 | | Lagerhallenhüterin Hanna | 28 | Questionable Test #2 | | Lagerhallenhüterin Hanna | 28 | Red Drill | | Teleporterin Audrey | 30 | Angel’s Song | | Schmied Tiriel | 30 | Rusty Orc Shield Retrieval | | Händler Christy | 34 | Secret Medicine of Legend | | Elfenbeinturm Wächter Bernard | 35 | Unwelcomed Visitor | | Elfenbeinturm Wächter Bernard | 35 | Ask for Backup | | Ausbilderin Andariel | 17 | Collecting a stack of straws | | Ausbilderin Andariel | 37 | The Black Orbs of Albinruke | | Teleporterin Audrey | 38 | Angel’s Wing | | Teleporter Gabriel | 38 | Angel’s Scream | | Nordöstliches Laksy, Monsterforscher Nedlock | 40 | Habitat War 1 | | Monsterforscher Nedlock | 42 | Habitat War 2 | | Monsterforscher Nedlock | 44 | Habitat War 3 | | Monsterforscher Nedlock | 45 | Forager | | Templer Hauptquartier, Templer Oyu | 40 | Aris  Elimination | | Jobunterstützerin Uriel | 45 | Fantasy Zone | | Feenwald, Waldhüter Eran | 46 | Evil Woods | | Waldhüter Eran | 46 | Evils of Woods | | Waldhüter Eran | 46 | Deterioration | | Hohepriester Largal | 46 | Holy Water | | Waldhüter Eran | 46 | Holy Water Purification |

Blessing of the Gods - Katan #1

Priest Location Priest Close

Priest Sierrka is quest giver in Katan.

After solving the following quests, you have completed Katan #1.

| NPC | Level | Quest | | --- | --- | --- | | Händler Lunerteon | 16 | Deodorizer #1 | | Händler Lunerteon | 16 | Deodorizer #2 | | Jobunterstützer Beres | 21 | Prisoner #1 | | Jobunterstützer Beres | 21 | Prisoner #2 | | Rüstungshändlerin Destina | 23 | Searching for Bones | | Gildenoffizier Levian | 25 | Trouble #1 | | Gildenoffizier Levian | 25 | Trouble #2 | | Stallmeisterin Remire | 25 | Magic Crystal Hunting | | Waffenhändlerin Soraya | 28 | Mysterious Lake Messi #1 | | Waffenhändlerin Soraya | 28 | Mysterious Lake Messi #2 | | Presbyteriumsbote Jen | 35 | Charmer at Pyre Site | | Zauberin Jeina | 35 | Restrainer of Death | | Zauberin Jeina | 35 | Revenge Preparation | | Zauberin Jeina | 35 | Kadoon of Enmity | | Berater Mephist | 10 | Glorious First Steps | | Berater Mephist | 14 | Yard Cleaning | | Berater Mephist | 17 | Death Walker | | Berater Mephist | 23 | Paradise Lost |

Blessing of the Gods - Katan #2

After solving the following quests, you have completed Katan #2.

| NPC | Level | Quest | | --- | --- | --- | | Stallmeisterin Firia | 32 | Chain of Pain | | Stallmeisterin Firia | 36 | City of Arrogance | | Horizon, Stallmeisterin Sherea | 23 | Skin. | | Horizon, Stallmeisterin Sherea | 39 | Song of the Dead | | Horizon, Lagerhallenhüterin Marcia | 36 | Bird Chasing | | Attentätergilde, Attentäter Ramil | 36 | Swamp mushroom collecting | | Waffenhändlerin Soraya | 40 | Sirag Relics | | Presbyteriumsbote Jen | 38 | Request for Annihilation | | Presbyteriumsbote Jen | 42 | Request for Extermination | | Berater Mephist | 40 | Carpenter Sypherd | | Horizon West, Tischler Sypherd | 40 | Annoying Obstacle | | Horizon West, Tischler Sypherd | 43 | More Annoying Obstacle | | Attentätergilde, Attentäter Ramil | 44 | Revenge for Revenge | | Attentätergilde, Attentäter Ramil | 44 | Lost Document | | Attentätergilde, Attentäter Ramil | 44 | Journey of Death | | Horizon, Waffenhändlerin Albirea | 45 | Cursed Jar 1 | | Scheiterhaufenplatz, Zauberin Jeina | 45 | Cursed Jar 2 | | Horizon, Händler Darby | 45 | Cursed Jar 3 | | Öffentlicher Friedhof von Wolha, Kämpfer Ryuen | 45 | Cursed Jar 4 | | Öffentlicher Friedhof von Wolha, Kämpfer Ryuen | 45 | Cursed Jar 5 | | Scheiterhaufenplatz, Zauberin Jeina | 45 | Cursed Jar 6 | | Öffentlicher Friedhof von Wolha, Kämpfer Ryuen | 44 | Polluted Ground | | Öffentlicher Friedhof von Wolha, Kämpfer Ryuen | 44 | Identity of Pollution | | Öffentlicher Friedhof von Wolha, Kämpfer Ryuen | 46 | Grisis Subjugation | | Schmied Pyron | 73 | Red Eye |

Blessing of the Gods - Horizon #1

Priest Location Priest Close

Priest Holtan is quest giver in Horizon.

After solving the following quests, you have completed Horizon #1.

| NPC | Level | Quest | | --- | --- | --- | | Katan, Gildenoffizier Levian | 15 | Letter for Her | | Schmiedin Milena | 15 | Iron Ore Order | | Katan, Schmied Pyron | 15 | Lost Iron Ore | | Katan, Schmied Pyron | 15 | Iron Ore Delivery | | Händler Darby | 16 | Roof mushroom collecting | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Ken’s Test #1 | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Ken’s Test #2 | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Ken’s Test #3 | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Ken’s Test #4 | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Ken’s Test #5 | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 16 | Test Passed | | Horizon Feld, Jäger Ken | 16 | Final Test | | Horizon Feld, Jäger Ken | 16 | The Name is Godzila | | Händlerin Elmin | 16 | Soft Chest | | Lagerhallenhüterin Millim | 20 | Coreanus treasure box | | Berater Sadge | 11 | Start from scratch. | | Berater Sadge | 13 | Training Days | | Berater Sadge | 17 | Way to experience death | | Berater Sadge | 23 | Iron Scar | | Ausbilderin Aleia | 23 | Crest of Coreanus |

Blessing of the Gods - Horizon #2

After solving the following quests you have completed Horizon #2.

| NPC | Level | Quest | | --- | --- | --- | | Katan, Schmiedin Milena | 25 | Collecting burned bone | | Katan, Schmiedin Milena | 25 | Delivering burned bone | | Katan, Händler Darby | 25 | Bitter Cost | | Rüstungshändlerin Libby | 28 | Shell | | Händlerin Elmin | 35 | Bringing tool box | | Händlerin Elmin | 35 | Delivering tool box | | Händler Darby | 35 | Valmore Crystal Mine | | Gildenoffizierin Oveli | 38 | Birthday Present | | Rüstungshändlerin Libby | 38 | Dodo’s Feather | | Rüstungshändlerin Libby | 38 | Explanation | | Händlerin Elmin | 35 | Lost Jewel | | Händlerin Elmin | 40 | Secret of Abandoned Mine | | Händlerin Elmin | 51 | Opening up Trade |

Received all six Blessing of the Gods Hometown subquests: Laksy #1 and #2, Katan #1 and #2, and Horizon #1 and #2.


After these 6 quests, you can turn in Blessing of the Gods - Hometown and get the first of three talent points!

To continue its important to accept the follow up quest which sends you to Archmage Khan in Rondo!