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Rappelz Gambit

Maintenance on 03.07.2022 at 09:00 - 10:00 UTC


Maintenance on 03.07.2022 at 09:00 - 10:00 UTC
  • Published Sunday, July 3, 2022 8:22 AM
  • Last modified Sunday, July 3, 2022 8:32 AM


There is a scheduled maintenance to support server stability and to make certain bug fixes, which is planned for 03.07.2022 at 09:00 - 10:00 UTC.


Chamber of Time - Game: Total Control

  • Scoreboard added

  • Game instructions no longer overlap at the gate and can be read at leisure in the "Chamber of Time".

  • Losing team no longer gets 20 coins. **

  • Team disguise removed

  • Team title added, will be equipped automatically ***

  • HP of monsters reduced, drops adjusted

  • Item: "Chamber Reset" added. Teleports you back to the beginning if you get stuck.

  • Reworked the distribution of the Blue/Red team so that both teams are balanced.

  • Fixed the bug that the same team always wins no matter how many points the other team has.

    ** Scoreboard now contains "Your points". 0/20 points. You get these by capturing zones. The points earned are converted into coins at the end through the portal.
    Team Red wins and the player has 16/20 points, at the end the player gets 50 + 16 = 66 coins. (Winning team still gets standard 50 coins plus coins of the points each player earns for themselves).
    Team Blue loses and the player has 16/20 points, at the end the player gets 16 coins.

    *** Team Title is automatically equipped at the beginning. If the "Chamber of Time" is left, the old title is automatically equipped again. (This feature is still in the test phase and could be a bit buggy)


  • All Sky earrings and necklaces can now be upgraded from +9 to the next upgrade (Azurite etc)